Before 9/11, most local organizations involved in civil defense were mainly concerned with such threats as natural and/or public health disasters, global warming, and perhaps riots.
Today, the mainstay of civil defense preparedness has turned to NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare) protection products, and EOD (Explosive Ordinance Detection & Disposal) equipment.
CCS equipment, professional gear and devices used by military and law enforcement groups, is available to state and local agencies as well as corporations and private citizens who have a need to equip executives and even family members with reasonable protection against terrorist attacks.
Please note, CCS does not offer for sale standard tear gas masks which should be readily available in the local marketplace. We supply NATO-tested NBC gas masks and protective garments. We also offer our professional law enforcement emergency management seminars and workshops to private neighborhood associations and for those responsible for the safety and security of their companies and employees.